DIMACS assignment problems

DIMACS (Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (see http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/)) has formulated some 'challenges' for some specific problem instances (see http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/Challenges/). One of these challenges is network flows and matching - the first DIMACS implementation challenge.

One of these network flows are assignment problems:

There are a number of agents and a number of tasks. Any agent can be assigned to perform any task, incurring some cost that may vary depending on the agent-task assignment. It is required to perform all tasks by assigning exactly one agent to each task in such a way that the total cost of the assignment is minimized.

Network Structure

  • A network is a directed graph with n nodes and m arcs.
  • Nodes are identified by integers 1...n.
  • Graphs do not have to be symmetric: if an arc (v,w) is in the graph, the reverse arc (w,v) does not have to be in the graph.
  • Parallel arcs are not allowed.
  • Self-loops are not allowed.
  • Arc capacities are 32-bit signed integers.
  • The source and the sink are distinct.
  • The sink may be unreachable from the source.

There is a specific file format available for these kinds of problems:

The following information makes up a DIMACS assignment problem input file:

  • comment lines
  • problem line
  • node descriptors
  • arc descriptors

As noted above, information is collected into lines, which begin with one-character designators. We describe each type of information line in turn.

  1. Comment Lines: Comment lines give human-readable information about the file and are ignored by programs. Comment lines can appear anywhere in the file. Each comment line begins with a lower-case character c.
        c This is an example of a comment line.
  2. Problem Line: There is one problem line per input file. The problem line must appear before any node or arc descriptor lines. For assignment problem instances the problem line has the following format:
        p asn NODES ARCS

    The lower-case character p signifies that this is a problem line. The three-character problem designator asn identifies the file as containing specification information for an assignment problem. The NODES field contains an integer value specifying n, the number of nodes in the network. The ASCS field contains an integer value specifying m, the number of arcs in the network.

  3. Node Descriptors: All node descriptor lines must appear before all arc descriptor lines. For assignment problem instances, the node descriptor lines describe supply nodes. That is, only nodes with nonzero node supply values appear. There is one node descriptor line for each such node, with the following format.
        n ID

    The lower-case character n signifies that this is a node descriptor line. The ID field gives a node identification number, an integer between 1 and n.

  4. Arc Descriptors: There is one arc descriptor line for each arc in the network. For an assignment problem instance, arc descriptor lines are of the following form.
        a SRC DST COST

    The lower-case character a signifies that this is an arc descriptor line. For a directed arc (v,w) the SRC field gives the identification number for the source vertex v, and the DST field gives the destination vertex w. Identification numbers are integers between 1 and n. The COST field contains the per-unit cost of flow sent along arc (v,w).

Input File Example :

Consider the table below which shows the cost of allocating 5 jobs to 5 machines.

      6  7  8  9  10
Job 1 22 30 26 16 25
    2 27 29 28 20 32
    3 33 25 21 29 23
    4 24 24 30 19 26
    5 30 33 32 37 31

Which jobs should be allocated to which machines so as to minimise the total cost?

  • each source (job) can supply one unit
  • each sink (machine) demands one unit
  • each arc has a capacity of one unit of flow and a cost taken from the table above.

Assignment model graph

Problems of this type are called assignment problems since they involve the assignment of n (in this case n=5) distinct entities to another n distinct entities. For example in the area of production planning we might be interested in assigning operators to machines, or in assigning operators to jobs, or (as above) in assigning jobs to machines.

c This is a simple example file to demonstrate the DIMACS
c input file format for assignment problems.
c Problem line (resources+tasks) (resources*tasks)
p asn 10 25
c Node descriptor lines (indeces of assignable resources only)
n 1
n 2
n 3
n 4
n 5
c Arc descriptor lines (tasks over each resource and "score")
a 1  6 22
a 1  7 30
a 1  8 26
a 1  9 16
a 1 10 25
a 2  6 27
a 2  7 29
a 2  8 28
a 2  9 20
a 2 10 32
a 3  6 33
a 3  7 25
a 3  8 21
a 3  9 29
a 3 10 23
a 4  6 24
a 4  7 24
a 4  8 30
a 4  9 19
a 4 10 26
a 5  6 30
a 5  7 33
a 5  8 32
a 5  9 37
a 5 10 31
c End of file

lp_solve can read/write and solve these models via the xli_DIMACS XLI driver (see External Language Interfaces). It reads such a model in above format and solves it via linear programming. The xli can also generate a DIMACS formatted file.

For example:

lp_solve -rxli xli_DIMACS assignment.net

This gives as result:

Value of objective function: 118

Actual values of the variables:
C1                              1
C2                              0
C3                              0
C4                              0
C5                              0
C6                              0
C7                              0
C8                              0
C9                              1
C10                             0
C11                             0
C12                             0
C13                             1
C14                             0
C15                             0
C16                             0
C17                             1
C18                             0
C19                             0
C20                             0
C21                             0
C22                             0
C23                             0
C24                             0
C25                             1

Also from within the IDE, this XLI can be used. However, some entries must be added in LpSolveIDE.ini (in the folder where the IDE is installed).

In the [XLI] section the following must be added:


And a new section for the DIMACS XLI must also be added:


Then make sure that the xli_DIMACS.dll is available for the IDE. This must be done by placing this dll in the IDE folder or in the Windows system32 folder.

Solution :

The solution vector of above example is [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]
This must be interpreted as follows:
There are as many variables as there are arc descriptor lines in the input file and they appear in the same order. So:

C1 specifies how much flow there is for the first arc definition, in this case from 1 -> 6
C2 specifies how much flow there is for the second arc definition, in this case from 1 -> 7

This means there is a flow from node 1 to 6, a flow from node 2 to 9, a flow from node 3 to 8, a flow from node 4 to 7, a flow from node 5 to 10
This gives a total cost of 22 + 20 + 21 + 24 + 31 = 118
The value of the objective is the cost of the flow: 118

Output :

The solution of the model can also be written in a DIMACS format:

  • comment lines
  • solution lines
  • flow assignments

For each network problem, the solution is an integer-valued flow assignment. The output file should list the solution and flow assignment for all arcs in the graph. As noted above, information is collected into lines, which begin with one-character designators. We describe each type of information line in turn.

  1. Comment Lines: Comment lines give human-readable information about the file and are ignored by programs. Comment lines can appear anywhere in the file. Each comment line begins with a lower-case character c.
        c This is an example of a comment line.
  2. Solution line. The solution line contains the flow value and has the following format:
        s VALUE

    The lower-case character s signifies that this is a solution line. The VALUE field contains the value of the objective.

  3. Flow assignments. There is one flow assignment line for each arc in the input network. These lines have the following format:
        f SRC DST FLOW
    The lower-case character f signifies that this is a flow assignment line. For arc (u,v), the SRC and DST fields give v and w, respectively. The FLOW field gives the amount of flow assigned to arc (u,v).

lp_solve can generate a solution file via the xli_DIMACS XLI driver (see External Language Interfaces).

For example:

lp_solve -rxli xli_DIMACS assignment.net -wxlisol xli_DIMACS assignment.sol

This generates the following solution contents:

c assignment.net
c Dimacs-format network assignment result file
c generated by lp_solve
c Solution
s 118
f 1 6 1
f 1 7 0
f 1 8 0
f 1 9 0
f 1 10 0
f 2 6 0
f 2 7 0
f 2 8 0
f 2 9 1
f 2 10 0
f 3 6 0
f 3 7 0
f 3 8 1
f 3 9 0
f 3 10 0
f 4 6 0
f 4 7 1
f 4 8 0
f 4 9 0
f 4 10 0
f 5 6 0
f 5 7 0
f 5 8 0
f 5 9 0
f 5 10 1
c End of file

lp_solve can also generate a solution file with only non-zero values.

For example:

lp_solve -rxli xli_DIMACS assignment.net -wxlisol xli_DIMACS assignment.sol -wxlisolopt "-nz"

This generates the following solution contents:

c assignment.net
c Dimacs-format network assignment result file
c generated by lp_solve
c Solution
s 118
c Only non-zero flows are written
f 1 6 1
f 2 9 1
f 3 8 1
f 4 7 1
f 5 10 1
c End of file

See Also DIMACS minimum cost flow problems, DIMACS maximum flow problems